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Easy TV viewing for elderly

I hope you are well. I’m thinking my current technology need may not be on your list but thought I’d check anyway.

I’m trying to simplify my 84 y.o mother’s TV situation. She has memory issues and is no longer able to remember how to navigate her remote from day to day. None of the big service providers have a simplified remote so I’m looking at a new service called Jubilee TV. The company alleges to have good support services. Have you heard of this company or anything else similar? If not, do you have a recommendation for someone who could help us with set up?

I can sympathize with what you’re dealing with having worked through the exact same issue myself with my mother just a couple years ago. I have not heard of Jubilee TV personally. I don’t know what your mother’s tv habits are but you may also consider an AppleTV. It has very large icons and you could remove most of them leaving her with just the select feel. However even then you’d need to navigate down into each app to get the channel or content you’re looking for. No way to create aliases to a specific show or channel unfortunately. But the remote is pretty simple so there’s that.

You might ask around to Cypress or other retirement homes to see if they have any suggestions.
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