
to commonly asked questions.

Apple music

How can I stop paying for subscriptions my kids use?

I need to figure out a way for my family to start paying their own subscriptions to Apple. I am getting everyones bills and dont want to carry all of these subscriptions.


Options to separate billing for your kids:

1. kick aging children out of your family. Then let them fend for themselves. Has to happen eventually. Around 20 years old and up?
2. Keep them in the family but buy a Family Music subscription. Approx. $16 a month for up to 6 members I think.
3. Change store ID to themselves instead of your own AppleID. Each person would have to have their own method of payment linked to their AppleID.

Songs in Apple music not moving over to the phone.

Hi scotty. I can’t remember what u told me to do when a song is on a playlist but it didn’t download on my phone - ?
Most of the songs did just a few show in grey but won’t play
I can’t remember the work around u gave me

If you saved the song via the Apple Music service (keep in mind you don't actually own that song, just renting access to it) then you should be able to right click or control+click on the song and see "download". However, if you don't see the download option in right click, there's something else going on. If that's the case, right click again on the song and "get info". Then select File over to the right and see if it was purchased on a different appleID. If the song was purchased under an old appleID then it may not move over until that device was authorized.

Adding artwork to Apple Music

Quick question (I hope) before scheduling a session. Added a new CD to
my Music library yesterday, and when I tried to add “album artwork) was
told I’d have to log into
iMusic Store before that could happen. Tried that
and nada. I know that’s not an “end of times” problem, but just wondering
Apple is no longer providing that or what? Anyhow stay well and hopefully
soon I can schedule an onsite session?

Apple does require you be logged in to your AppleID in order for it to try to retrieve artwork within "Music" (formally known as iTunes). It has been my experience that you have to request artwork several times over the course of an extended period of time. And even then, I have seen updates dissolve the cover art. In other words, you might wake up one day and see the cover art you had for certain items, no longer exists. This happens mostly with TV shows and movies however.

There are suggested steps one can take to update album art work that requires removing music then re adding, signing out of Apple Music or iCloud music library, and other steps. These are not ideal. Short answer, I don't have a great answer on how to acquire missing album art.

In the meantime, here are a couple other suggestions that may help.
This image is a theme.plist hack