
to commonly asked questions.


VLC will play older versions of videos.

Some of our old videos taken many years ago aren’t compatible with the current software to play, is there some way to convert these files?

No need to convert most likely. You can just use VLC.
VLC is the Swiss Army knife of video players. It plays almost every imaginable video format. VLC can be downloaded for free here.

How to open 2 VLC windows at the same time on a Mac.

I want to run 2 instances of VLC. How do I do it?

Use apple script editor and save the following command as a script:

on run
do shell script "open -n /Applications/"
tell application "VLC" to activate
end run

on open theFiles
repeat with theFile in theFiles
do shell script "open -na /Applications/ " & quote & (POSIX path of theFile) & quote
end repeat
tell application "VLC" to activate
end open
This image is a theme.plist hack