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ripping multiple vids in Handbrake

When we got the content from the DVD last week, we got one episode five times, instead of five episodes

So try a couple things.

In handbrake, you could first try to select the “title” then “start”. Since you only have a small number of clips to import, you could do them one at a time. Title 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc…. Each should be a different length. Another thing to note will be to know where handbrake is then storing the file. Directly on to your desktop? In the movies Folder? etc… Sometimes I import videos and can’t find where I put them. Handbrakes’ “destination” will tell you where they went and also give you a chance to rename the file before importing if you’d like.

If you import each clip individually there would be no need to use the queue. I’ve always found handbrake’s queue feature to be confusing anyway. So give the individual approach a try first. If that doesn’t work for you then there are still many variables we can play with such as trying to add all titles to the queue as we did before.

handbrake failing to read discs.

This is what it does. Gets stuck or frozen right here. So I am unable to download any of them. And it has happened on one chapter of another one as well. I can view them all on my external dvd through the computer but they won’t convert. 

If handbrake is having a problem reading the CD (and handbrake is VERY good) then you have a couple other options. You could check out an application called Uniconverter. (Previously called Wondershare converter) I've had great success with Uniconverter as well. It's free to try then must be purchased. Another method, albeit more complicated, is to try to build a complete .iso file from the CD then extract it after the data has been harvested, I believe both Handbrake and Uni will both create .iso files. An .iso files is a complete image of the DVD. It may be done in an effort to try to get the individual movies from a different format. Lastly, if neither attempt works, then it's likely the CD is just physically damaged. You could also try a different CD reader.

It's also possible that it's failing at one specific chapter but if you select the chapters above or below that potentially damaged chapter, you might be able to get some of the info. That is, if Uniconverter could finish the scanning process of course.
This image is a theme.plist hack