iPhone rings once then goes to voicemail
Hi Scotty wife's phone is ringing once then going to voice mail, we checked settings, focus etc. we then backed up icloud and then wiped phone and reinstalled still doing same thing, any ideas?
There is no setting on the iPhone to determine how many rings before it goes to voicemail. Good troubleshooting steps on your part but I think you might be better served calling your provider ATT/Verizon etc… and having them adjust the time out time. You might even ask them to just adjust it then call back later and have them adjust it again.
My guess is that it's somehow gotten set at the provider level to move to voicemail sooner than you'd like. I don't think the phone has any control over this. A simple test would be to make a FaceTime call to the phone. While FaceTime is not involved in voicemail, see if it rings more than once. If so, that puts even more evidence into the fact that it's probably the carrier's fault.
There is no setting on the iPhone to determine how many rings before it goes to voicemail. Good troubleshooting steps on your part but I think you might be better served calling your provider ATT/Verizon etc… and having them adjust the time out time. You might even ask them to just adjust it then call back later and have them adjust it again.
My guess is that it's somehow gotten set at the provider level to move to voicemail sooner than you'd like. I don't think the phone has any control over this. A simple test would be to make a FaceTime call to the phone. While FaceTime is not involved in voicemail, see if it rings more than once. If so, that puts even more evidence into the fact that it's probably the carrier's fault.
Should I move to Verizon?
I wish to change to Verizon. Do u recommend ?Also should I get the 14 as part of the change ?
The grass is always greener on the other side of the septic tank” -Erma Bombeck. I work with people every day who hate ATT and want to move to Verizon. I meet people every day that hate Verizon and want to move to ATT. I don’t really have an opinion on which provider is better to be honest.
Regarding upgrading to a newer phone, unless you just want the newest phone, there’s no reason to purchase a new device just because you’re moving to a different carrier. Back in the old days a phone could only work with one carrier but today’s phones can move between carriers easily.
So that just leaves the real question…do you want a nicer camera that shoots better in low light? Because that’s the only valid reason to upgrade from a 12 to a 14 in my opinion.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the septic tank” -Erma Bombeck. I work with people every day who hate ATT and want to move to Verizon. I meet people every day that hate Verizon and want to move to ATT. I don’t really have an opinion on which provider is better to be honest.
Regarding upgrading to a newer phone, unless you just want the newest phone, there’s no reason to purchase a new device just because you’re moving to a different carrier. Back in the old days a phone could only work with one carrier but today’s phones can move between carriers easily.
So that just leaves the real question…do you want a nicer camera that shoots better in low light? Because that’s the only valid reason to upgrade from a 12 to a 14 in my opinion.
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