
to commonly asked questions.

How can I turn on items in the left column tool bar?

I am unable to see that left column in the finder...the "Toolbar" is greyed out in view. I need this to get "back to my mac"

Click on the desktop so that you are in the Finder. Now go to the top left hand corner of your computer and select "preferences" under the word Finder in the menu bar. Now check the box next to "may to my mac". The item should now appear in your finder window on the left hand column. You may have to hit "shared" in order to display items within that category.

I can’t view the sidebar

Screen Shot 2016-08-12 at 12.27.10 PM Screen Shot 2016-08-12 at 12.28.16 PM

Now open a finder window and look on the left hand column.

Screen Shot 2016-08-12 at 1.31.42 PM
This image is a theme.plist hack