
to commonly asked questions.

Google Earth and Realtors

Thank you! You are a huge help. I have my non-tech husband possibly considering a Mac. If we get one, how do we transfer all our data? Does Mac come with a type of Excel program? We keep a lot of impt info. in Excel and need the data to transfer.  Is that easy? Do you help people set up their new computer and transfer from PC?   Thank you for your continued support!


Typically the Apple Store will transfer some of the data for you. If you have a more specific need in the transfer then that’s where I come in. The Mac does not come with an excel program however, you can use several applications to create and share word/powerpoint/excel documents. Those include:

iWork: Apple’ own version of Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office
Open Office: a free version of Office
Google Docs: an online web browser based document creator.

Yes, I do assist in transferring data all the time.
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