
to commonly asked questions.

It's not legit. it's a scam.

I was notified by my accountant that someone in California had filed for a tax refund using my name and social security number. Please let me know your suggestions on things I should be doing to make my information more secure and any other suggestions you have.



In what way were you “notified” of this supposed tax comment? As for the other text alert “BOFA”, that is pure scam. That has been a very common issue lately. I got one myself today in the form of the exact same type of text notifying me that my Netflix account had been cancelled and I should re log in to address it. All they want is for you to click the link they provide and trick you into entering your information. Clicking the link doesn’t hurt you. It’s falling for their story once you’re there. If you ever feel something may be legitimate, don’t use any link someone sends. Go to the website manually yourself by typing it in using a web browser. However, 9/10 times it’s just a scam. This doesn’t mean your info has been compromised. It just means they’re texting or emailing you along with thousands of other people.
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