
to commonly asked questions.

Do I still need flash?

I can’t remember what our discussion of Adobe Flash Player was except to ignore the updates. I am getting a notification that it will automatically uninstall unless I update it.
So far I am choosing to ignore it. Do I still need it on my computer?

Do not interact with anything that says "Flash". As I discuss with many people, it's the most commonly used word that malware publisher use to pretend to help you. With that said, Adobe (the company that created the software called Flash) has discontinued it. The internet as a whole, has decided to stop using the old outdated technology. This means that any website that still uses flash to show things like embedded video, dancing images, interactive content, will no longer be displayed starting Jan, 2021. If you feel you may be looking at something fraudulent, feel free to send me a screenshot. (comman+shift+4 then drag over what you are seeing). Overall, there's nothing you need to do. Keeping your computer's OS up to date is always a good idea. Currently 10.15.7 is the latest version of Catalina however OS 11 Big Sur has been released although I am not currently green lighting that for people. Better to wait just a little longer, say mid January.

Adobe is providing an "uninstall" link as Flash reaches end of life but I don't know if you're looking at the legitimate uninstall or something false.

Long story short: don't update, don't uninstall, don't interact with flash at all because I can't guarantee you're not being tricked without actually seeing it.

Here's Adobe's statement on flash end of life:
This image is a theme.plist hack