
to commonly asked questions.

Do I need more icloud space?

Hi Scotty
My phone tells me it hadn’t backed up in 7 weeks and that I need more storage. Do I need that? Or is it time to delete stuff?


Depends on a couple of things. It’s true that your phone backup lives in the cloud and it’s using space you pay for. There are 4 plans:

5 gigs. Free
50 gigs. $1 per month
200 gigs. $3 per month
2000 gigs. $10 per month

Most of that space is taken by one’s picture library, so the more pictures you have, the more space you need. This generally translates to one’s age as well. The older you are, the more pics you probably have. In other words, a 12 year old doesn’t need much space but a 50 year old may need lots more simply because they’ve been alive longer and have more pictures.

So, if you’re on the 50 plan, it’s definitely time to increase. If you’re on the 200 gig, you may have to bight the bullet and play more. I hate subscriptions but this is one I don’t mind paying because it keeps all my pictures safe in the cloud and available on all my devices.
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